Because having a successful business is every staffing firm's dream, one of the key areas requiring focus is employee engagement. When employees are engaged, retention improves, client satisfaction is boosted, and growth is accelerated. Learn how to maximize the engagement of your teams during this enlightening panel presentation.
Panelists include:
SMK Consulting provides small to mid-sized staffing companies with impactful sales strategies, key account growth processes, and customer retention solutions that create profit and prosperity–for you, for your employees, and for your customers.
Leading the industry in solving the talent shortage through our Better WorkLife Academy, which offers free online skills training for our workforce. By reskilling and upskilling thousands of temporary associates each year, EmployBridge is creating a better work life for our associates and supplying the skilled labor our customers need to succeed today and tomorrow.
TempWorks Software® delivers innovative and cutting-edge staffing software solutions to hundreds of temporary staffing agencies of all sizes across the nation. From online application portals to mobile front office and onboarding tools, an employee engagement mobile app, invoicing and flexible reporting, TempWorks Software has supported client growth for more than 20 years with exemplary client service and an experienced team.